Overcoming fear mindfully – 5 lessons from Hogwarts

Overcoming fear is no magic. However, there is a deep truth in what you can read in the Harry Potter stories. Unless fear arises from an immediate, physical danger, our automatic reactions are no big help. Fight, flight or freeze impulses rather worsen the situation. Mindfulness on the other hand helps a lot. It can work like a fear-dispelling charm like „ridicculus“ and it can create something like a „patronus“. This podcast shows how. If you want to practice, make use of mindfulness meditation which is available online, two are listed here:

Follow some mindfulness meditation to stabilize your mind and get closer to “creating a patronus”:

Cited literature

J.K. Rowling; Harry Potter. Especially volume 3 HP and the prisoner of askaban, chapters 7 and 8 and volume 5 HP and the Order of the Phoenix

Daniel Siegel; Pocket Guide to Interpersonal Neurobiology. In chapters 20 and 21 you find information how secure attachment shapes the personality For instance it can improve fear modulation or emotional balance. Also read how mindfulness practice can create a very similar effect. https://www.drdansiegel.com/books/pocket_guide_to_interpersonal_neurobiology/

Jon Kabat-Zinn; Full Catastrophe Living; Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain and Illness, especially chapter 25: „Working with Fear, Panic and Anxiety“. See also page 275/276, where he cites attachment research and effects from mindfulness practice. https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/full-catastrophe-living-jon-kabat-zinn/1100619932

Bowlby J (1988). A Secure Base: Parent-Child Attachment and Healthy Human Development. https://www.worldcat.org/title/secure-base-clinical-applications-of-attachment-theory/oclc/42913724

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Friendship and cooperation – 5 lessons from Hogwarts, 2

Friendship and cooperation are not only key to changing Harry Potters world to the better. Sometimes you, too, feel your world needs to change. Or your workplace, for that matter. Either you must be crazy or the world is. True friendship helps you find out. True friendship also means cooperation. Only in cooperation with friends can you change your world. This lesson is central in nearly every Harry Potter book. But it also shows up in the real business world. Frederic Laloux is able to show successful companies and organizations where cooperation is the rule rather than competition. Learn how being mindful is essential to fostering friendship and cooperation.

Cited Literature

Frederic Laloux; Reinventing organizations. Read about examples of companies with distributed authority. No carrot & stick. Cooperation rather than competition: https://www.reinventingorganizations.com/

J.K. Rowling; Harry Potter (the whole series. Especially volumes 1, 5 and 7)

Find our most recent podcasts here: https://www.brainfood-for-leaders.com/podcast/

Learn more about Theresia Tauber, Karo Schuler and Thomas Geus

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https://www.facebook.com/Brainfood-for-Leaders-431847497647904 https://www.instagram.com/brainfood_for_leaders

Choose to be yourself, part 2 – 5 lessons from Hogwarts: 1

Fulfilling a New Year Resolution implies that you CAN change at will. Or, as I said in part 1 of this podcast, that you actually CAN choose to be yourself. In part 1 , results from neuroscience showed that you indeed have the choice to change. Here in part 2, I give practical step-by-step tips, HOW to facilitate the change that you chose. Mindfulness is essential to this. It ensures that you overcome obstacles and setbacks with an easy mind and without harassing yourself.

Find our most recent podcasts here: https://www.brainfood-for-leaders.com/podcast/

Learn more about Theresia Tauber, Karo Schuler and Thomas Geus

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Cited Literature

Davidson/ Goleman; Altered Traits, the book where you find a survey of all important studies in neuroscience to determine if and how the mind – or mindfulness – can change the brain and even seemingly stable character traits https://www.richardjdavidson.com/altered-traits

D. Siegel; Pocket Guide to Interpersonal Neurobiology. ig deep: What do different sciences have to say about the mind and its relationship to the brain or to influencing social factors? What can neuroscience show? https://www.drdansiegel.com/books/pocket_guide_to_interpersonal_neurobiology/

J.K. Rowling; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Follow some mindfulness meditation in order to create the “space” between stimulus and reaction, so you can actually choose your response:

  • Bodyscan seated (my own video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gf8KD1fMUpI
  • Mindfulness meditation by Jon Kabat-Zinn who invented MBSR (mindfulness based stress reduction). Participants of MBSR haven been the subjects of many of the quoted studies about mindfulness changing the brain. And also about mindfulness changing the character. On YouTube you will find many videos from people who uploaded his meditations. This link here seems to be licensed. If not, I apologize https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=524RMtfHKz8 .

Choose to be yourself, part 1 – 5 lessons from Hogwarts: 1

Can you choose to be who you want to be? Professor Dumbledore certainly sees it this way. At the end of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets he tells Harry: „It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.“ Meanwhile, neuroscience gives proof how the mind can really change the brain and even character traits. Mindfulness meditation plays an important role.

Find our most recent podcasts here: https://www.brainfood-for-leaders.com/podcast/

Learn more about Theresia Tauber, Karo Schuler and Thomas Geus

Follow us on facebook and instagram

Cited Literature

Davidson/ Goleman; Altered Traits, the book where you find a survey of all important studies in neuroscience to determine if and how the mind – or mindfulness – can change the brain and even seemingly stable character traits https://www.richardjdavidson.com/altered-traits

D. Siegel; Pocket Guide to Interpersonal Neurobiology. Dig deep: What do different sciences have to say about the mind and its relationship to the brain or to influencing social factors? What can neuroscience show? https://www.drdansiegel.com/books/pocket_guide_to_interpersonal_neurobiology/

J.K. Rowling; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Follow some mindfulness meditation in order to create the “space” between stimulus and reaction, so you can actually choose your response:

  • Bodyscan seated (my own video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gf8KD1fMUpI
  • Mindfulness meditation by Jon Kabat-Zinn who invented MBSR (mindfulness based stress reduction). Participants of MBSR haven been the subjects of many of the quoted studies about mindfulness changing the brain. And also about mindfulness changing the character. On YouTube you will find many videos from people who uploaded his meditations. This link here seems to be licensed. If not, I apologize https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=524RMtfHKz8 .